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After the sandstorm swept across northern China in the early hours of Thursday.Sand industrial pollution airpocalypse in the middle of spring Li added China’s official news Xinhua said at least nine Chinese regions from Xinjiang and Gansu in the west to Hebei and Heilongjiang further east would be affected by the air pollution between Thursday and Friday Visibility in Beijing had plummeted to about capital and wase. Nicotine shaded mist loomed over Beijing on Thursday after a massive sandstorm slammed into the Chinese capital bringing the latest airpocalypse to this smog-choked city Dozens of flig hts were reportedly cancelled at Beijing’s airport, the world’s second busiest, and authorities urged residents to stay indoors after levels of tiny .

Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship. Tour guides, or tourist guides, are members of the hospitality and travel industry who show visitors around places of interest. Tour guides may lead groups or individuals through historical sites, museums, geographic destinations and on outdoor excursions.